Housekeeping is defined as a “place for everything and everything in its place”. Poor housekeeping has been recognised as one of the more prevalent causes of industrial accidents. Some general points to consider are:
Security and cleanliness is important for us and you are required to leave the premises clean and tidy. Should you notice rubbish or any damage to material, please inform the Academic Manager or the CEO immediately.
Teachers are generally responsible for their own photocopying. Both staff and Teachers must follow the Copyright Control Policy and Procedure and will be required to sign the Staff Copyright Awareness Form.
Resources and materials for all qualifications are located online and in the administration office. Teachers will be provided with a copy of Course curricula, Assessment Tools and any other additional materials relevant to the courses taught. Please contact the Academic Manager if you require additional teaching aids other than those provided.
We have a policy of surveying our students every term to ensure their satisfaction with the courses we offer and the staff of the college. Our Administrative staff will organise surveys to students at the end of each term. You will be informed about the outcome as soon as practicable.
All college staff are required to: