The college supports equal opportunity in the selection of personnel and ensures that people are not discriminated against on the basis of sex, pregnancy, race, beliefs, marital status, physical or intellectual disability, homosexuality, transgender or age.  This means that all employees and those seeking employment are entitled to equal consideration and respect in their dealings with the college and we are committed to meeting the provisions of all legislative requirements regarding EEO and anti-discrimination. 

The college is committed to supporting full access to the organisation’s employment opportunities by people from disadvantaged groups.  This includes those disadvantaged socially, geographically, educationally, physically and intellectually, racially or by gender.  At the same time the college also seeks to ensure the highest standards of service delivery through the employment of the most qualified staff best suited to available positions.

Access and Equity

Although several pieces of legislation govern and direct college policies and practices on Access and Equity, our motivation to achieve the best possible education outcomes for all who choose to learn at the college stems from a college wide commitment. The information following and the downloadable guidance notes, should help both staff and students to understand their rights and responsibilities pertaining to access and equity.  The full policy is available on the website.