We are committed to supporting individuals with a physical or intellectual disability to enjoy full access to employment opportunities and training programs offered by the organisation. We encourage all to participate as fully and independently as possible.
The college:
Disability standards for education
The main purpose of the Disability Standards for Education 2005 is to clarify the obligations of education and training service providers, and the rights of people with disability, under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (the DDA). The Standards were developed in consultation with education, training and disability groups and the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission.
The Standards are accompanied by Guidance Notes. These are intended to assist people in interpreting and complying with the Standards. The Notes are intended to enhance people’s understanding of the scope and practical application of the Standards.
The standards are intended to give students with disabilities the same rights as other students. All students, including those with disabilities, should be treated with dignity and enjoy the benefits of education and training in a supportive environment that values and encourages participation by all students. The standards aim to overcome discrimination based on stereotyped beliefs about the abilities and choices of students with disabilities.
The Standards give students and prospective students with disabilities the right to education and training opportunities on the same basis as students without disabilities. This includes the right to comparable access, services, and facilities, and the right to participate in education and training without discrimination. Such rights are not merely formal. Education providers have a positive obligation to make changes to reasonably accommodate the needs of a student with a disability.