The international education sector expects education agents to adhere to the ethical principles outlined in the ethical framework below:
- Integrity: being straightforward and honest in all professional and business dealings.
- Objectivity: not allowing professional judgment to be compromised by bias or conflict of interest.
- Professional Competence and Due Care: maintaining professional knowledge and service, and acting diligently.
- Transparency: declaring conflicts of interest to all clients, especially when service fees are charged to both the education provider and the prospective student.
- Confidentiality: respecting and preserving the confidentiality of personal information acquired and not releasing such information to third parties without proper authority.
- Professional behavior: acting in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and dealing with clients competently, diligently, and fairly.
- Professionalism and Purpose: acting in a manner that serves the interests of clients and the wider society, even at the expense of self-interest. Recognising that dedication to these principles earns the trust and confidence of stakeholder groups, including individual clients, the public, businesses, and government.