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The Australian government spends extra $37.8 million on haunting ‘dodgy’ training providers in Australia

A new tip-off line will be set up for people to dob in “dodgy” training providers exploiting international students studying in Australia. The nation’s Vocational Education and Training regulator will get a $37.8 million boost under a federal government crackdown on unethical and illegal behaviour. An integrity unit will be established within the Australian Skills

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Breaking news Closure of the Pandemic Event visa 408 COVID visa

Starting from 2 September 2023, the Pandemic Event visa sc 408 will only be available to existing Pandemic Event visa holders. If you currently hold a Pandemic Event visa, you may still be eligible for subsequent visas after this date. Here’s what you need to know: Other than sc408 visa holders will not be eligible

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How to Increase College Enrolment with a CRM for Education

Colleges and universities must innovate in order to attract students in today’s highly competitive higher education market. With more students applying to college than ever before, it is crucial to differentiate your school from the rest to win over the most talented students. Using a customer relationship management system (CRM) like Educli, tailored to the

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Reduce carbon emissions – use automation

Although the heavy industry is taking action over greenhouse gasses, offices too can make a positive contribution towards saving the environment. It is estimated that the average employee can spend up to 40% of their working day searching for information on paper documents stored in filing cabinets. They could use their time more wisely if

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Australia consulting on upcoming changes in overseas student reform

A representative from Australia’s Department of Education has stated that this upcoming school year will see sweeping changes implemented in an effort to crack down on fraudulent behavior on the part of agents and the assistance of onshore agents in the course switching of non-genuine students.   Minister O’Neill announced the migration review on April

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Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss

Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss, serves as a compilation of insights, strategies, and lessons from a wide range of successful individuals. The book presents the distilled wisdom and practical advice shared by various world-class performers, including athletes, entrepreneurs, artists, and scientists.   Divided into three sections—Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise—each part of the book focuses

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You don’t have to do the paperwork anymore.

A CRM implementation is a significant decision. Although they take time and money to set up, the adage “one step forwards, two steps back” definitely applies to CRMs. Your entire business will spend less time seeking and more time concentrating on what matters—creating real value—if you never have to file or find any paperwork Almost

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Is traditional education living its Blockbuster moment?

Is traditional education living its Blockbuster moment?   Traditional education’s future has been called into question by factors such as the spread of online learning, the availability of advanced educational technology, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Some have even gone so far as to compare the current state of traditional education to the “Blockbuster moment,” in

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Evolve your automation journey with Educli

Using cutting-edge technology, business process automation (BPA) allows for the mechanization of previously labor-intensive business processes. A business process is any activity, or set of activities, performed by an organization to accomplish some strategic goal, such as the development of a product, the onboarding of new employees, or the acquisition of new customers. Some of

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Classroom teaching versus practical training

When it comes to learning, there are two main approaches: classroom teaching and practical training. Teaching typically involves the presentation of information and concepts by an instructor, who may use lectures, textbooks, and other materials to help students understand the subject matter. The focus is on imparting knowledge and providing students with a theoretical understanding

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Collect your payments easy with Educli

  Educli a student payment management and collection platform – we are changing the way colleges manage their student enrollment and finances forever.    Maintaining smooth operations and optimizing revenue in the ever-changing education landscape requires efficient student enrollment and payment management. Educli is an all-inclusive platform with a variety of features that helps colleges

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Canada is the most desirable country to study abroad

A recent survey finds that Canada is the most desirable country in which to study abroad.   Canada ranks first among all countries in IDP Education’s Emerging Futures study, which was conducted in March. This is largely because of the opportunity to gain work experience after graduating.   Out of four major destination countries (Canada,

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Important changes to Australian to visas from 1 July 2023

Following up on our previous post, Changes to Student (sc500), Temporary Graduate (sc485) and COVID (sc408) visas from 1 July 2023 we look at further changes to Student visas (sc500) and Temporary Graduate visas (sc485).   Student visa work restrictions re-introduced on 1 July Student visa work restrictions will be re-introduced from 1 July 2023

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Goals by Brian Tracy

Goals is a book by Brian Tracy that takes readers on a journey of self-discovery about the positive effects of goal-setting and goal-attainment. Well-known for his work in the field of personal development, Tracy offers his readers advice and strategies for realizing their full potential and excelling to new heights.   Tracy begins by stressing

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Are you a leader or a follower?

Educli’s state-of-the-art digital solutions The importance of e-learning in contemporary training mechanisms cannot be understated. E-learning provides flexibility, personalization, and access to a wealth of resources, rendering it an effective and efficient method for skills development. By adopting e-learning, your organisation will be setting an industry standard for embracing progressive learning solutions, thereby improving not

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INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS DRIVE ONGOING RECOVERY Australia’s ongoing recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic has received a significant boost from the influx of new and returning international students. The latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics highlights a substantial increase in student arrivals, showcasing their crucial role in driving economic growth. In April alone, the country

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Get things done with Educli Platform

Organizing work in the “new normal” brings its own set of challenges and asks us to learn new skills and adjust our tools. In short, it requires us to become incredibly flexible when it comes to managing tasks, teammates, and work in general. There are no limits when it comes to customization. Unlike other task

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OpenAI’s ChatGPT is shaking up the edtech

There have been incredible developments in EdTech, or educational technology, in recent years. OpenAI’s ChatGPT, on the other hand, is a game-changer in terms of how students and teachers engage with course materials. This article explores the revolutionary effects of ChatGPT on EdTech, particularly its effects on data processing tools.   The Rise of ChatGPT

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Are you automating your business routine tasks?

Hello, you may be busy with the running of your business, however, there are processes that you can automatise.  Automation might sound intimidating, but it’s not as complicated and technical as it may seem. In reality, automated processes can take your most mundane, time-consuming tasks and perform them on a predetermined schedule while minimizing costs.

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Monitoring and practice related to education agents

Unscrupulous behavior on the part of third-party education agents remains a regulatory priority for AQSA and a government-wide focus. When recruiting students or offering courses, training providers who provide Australian VET qualifications to international students must adhere to their legal responsibilities under the ESOS Act and National Code, which state that they may not make

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