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marketing lessons from a genius

A reminder of marketing lessons from the genius

Steve Jobs was an iconic entrepreneur, a visionary leader, and an extraordinary marketer. His strategic marketing approaches were instrumental in transforming Apple into the world’s most valuable company. Sell dreams, not just products Apple’s advertising has consistently carried an aspirational quality, enticing customers with the promise of a dream and status, not merely a gadget.

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Educli AI-Powered Chat

Educli’s AI-powered chat is changing the face of education

  Chatbots powered by artificial intelligence for individualized student support Accessible at any time and designed to meet each student’s unique requirements Online help with understanding material, completing tasks, and addressing concerns Helping new employees get up to speed faster with AI chat as virtual mentors Quick and easy access to detailed policy and procedure

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strategies for engagement

Social media: strategies for engagement

We have created a strategic approach for education providers and agents to attract potential students through social media.    In today’s era of constant online communication, social media has become an essential tool in the recruitment of prospective students. Institutions of higher learning should use these mediums not just to inform but also to enthrall

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EdTech – a strategic growth driver

Technology and EdTech startups are changing the face of education around the world. The education industry is currently undergoing a transformation that is accelerating its entry into the digital age. The spread of COVID has accelerated this shift, with many schools now relying on EdTech to keep their doors open during the pandemic. As time

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An international student ideal migrant.

An international student – the “ideal migrant”

For a long time, Australia has been a popular choice for students from all over the world. Australians take pride in their country’s abundant natural resources, thriving culture, and promising future prospects.   Australia has benefited greatly from the influx of international students due to both the cultural enrichment and academic vigor they bring to

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educli workflow SMS, LMS, SAAS

Why you need to get rid of paper based records in your college

As of September 1, 2020, due to new laws, the National Regulator can now request electronic copies of student records from RTOs. Now is the time for providers who are still dealing with paper-based student records to formulate a plan to digitize these documents. While ASQA has not yet implemented the information technology requirements for

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International education in Australia is under threat

Australia’s international education is under threat

Australia’s future as a leading higher education provider is under threat by government changes (and smart international competition). A 200-page interim report, released on 26 October 2023, has urged the tertiary sector to focus on quality and integrity to ensure sustainable international student growth within Australia. The report pointed to a number of factors that

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Educli - is work from home here to stay?

Work from home – is it here to stay?

There has been a dramatic change in the dynamics of the workplace in recent years. With the advent of technology and the unforeseen circumstances brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work has surged to the forefront of modern business practices. The question is – Is working from home the definitive future of work?  

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Student recruitment using peer-to-peer effect

Student recruitment using peer-to-peer effect According to a recent study conducted by Intead and Unibuddy, student ambassadors are becoming an increasingly credible source for prospective students considering studying abroad. The study, titled “Peer-to-Peer Student Conversations,” also shows at what stage of the recruitment funnel student ambassadors have the most influence and how the use of

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educli 24_7 recruitment

24/7 Recruitment: Maximizing Your Outreach with Multi-Channel Marketing

There is a common sentiment among those involved in the ever-changing field of student recruitment: the process is becoming more difficult, not less. The recruitment landscape has become more competitive as student mobility patterns change around the world and more schools compete for international students. The current challenge is to keep your school at the

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Understanding the admissions process in relation to prospective students

Many educational institutions are seeing an increase in the number of interested students. The Internet appears to play a significant role in this pattern, as it facilitates students’ ability to simultaneously contact multiple institutions with questions using online forms, social media, or plain old email. Similarly, prospects can file a larger field of applications thanks

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Is your instutution losing international student leads?

Edified has released new research that reveals the difficulties universities have in handling inquiries from potential international students. According to Edified’s 2023 Enquiry Experience Tracker, a comprehensive analysis of 128 institutions around the world shows that many are failing to capitalize on prospective student leads because of ineffective communication strategies. Countries like Australia and New

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Leveraging Social Media for International Student Marketing

  Social media is second-most important information source for prospective students (after only the institutional website) when exploring options for study abroad Most social media usage happens before the student even makes an enquiry Some social channels, notably TikTok and Instagram, are now being widely used as search engines by students who are looking for

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The Importance of Developing an AI-Centric Education Strategy for Companies

Companies in a wide range of sectors have adopted AI-powered solutions in recent years, with the goal of improving their operations and overall efficiency. Businesses are entering a new era marked by the widespread adoption of artificial intelligence and the desire to take advantage of its transformative potential. However, due to the ever-expanding variety of

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How institutions can improve international student conversions from admission to enrolment

How institutions can improve international student conversions from admission to enrolment A featured panel at EAIE 2023 highlights the key conversion opportunity in the often months-long interval between admission and enrolment The panelists emphasised the complexity of the student decision making process and the many factors that are involved, not all of which are under

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Ed-Tech offers opportunities to strengthen and diversify online ELICOS delivery

Students’ active participation in online learning environments is a critical factor in achieving positive learning outcomes, especially in the context of distance or hybrid learning environments. However, both teachers and students may find it difficult to create and maintain a high level of engagement due to factors like a lack of social interaction, technical difficulties,

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Opinion: The Australian Government’s Ownership Ban by education agents – A Hasty Move with Industry Implications

The Australian government’s recent announcement, barring education agents from holding ownership stakes in Australian education providers, has raised eyebrows within the education sector. While it may appear to be a well-intentioned measure to enhance transparency, integrity, and fairness in the education system, it raises pertinent questions about its practicality and impact.   The government’s rationale

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Australia expands regulatory oversight of education agents and announces new integrity measures for VET

  Australia’s government has announced a new set of measures to protect its student visa program from abuse and fraud. Commissions paid to agents who facilitate student transfers between providers in Australia have been banned. Education agents will also be barred from holding an ownership stake in an Australian education provider The government is taking

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Skill assessment required for 485 Graduate Stream Visa after 30 June 2023

To be eligible for a 485 Graduate Work Stream Visa after completing your studies in Australia after 01 July 2023, international students with a qualification below a degree must also provide (have applied for) a skills assessment and nominated an occupation from the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL)).  Why is this changing? The

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Opinion – Australian government’s “compliance blitz” on international sector – waste of money or actual improvement?

The Australian government’s announcement of a $37.8 million “compliance blitz” in the vocational education and training (VET) sector seems like a well-intentioned move, but we can’t help but doubt whether these proposed changes will truly make a significant difference. The establishment of an integrity unit within the regulator, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), along

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