Why is Educli a passionate about helping people?
Everyday thousands of people are looking for a new opportunity, new challenge in life and their ultimate dream is to live abroad.
Those people are spending hours and must sieve through vast amount of pages to get the information they needed to success in their path to their dream. Many of those pages provide inaccurate or misleading information.
Educli is being created by a passionate team that created a platform, a source of information, that was missing to help people to achieve their dreams. Our mission is to help all people to achieve their dreams better than expected.
Why did we create Educli? Because we all did an exchange abroad and somehow our expectations failed the reality. We all had big desilusion and than we realised that we can create a better future for other people. We know what they willl be going through and what real information they require. And now they can find all information about living and studying abroad in Educli.
The seekers can communicate with other students and exchange information, connect directly with course providers or find a trusted agent to support them to achieve their dream.
We are at time and era where social networking is a common language and at Educli we create new culture where people for people planning or living abroad support each other. If you are passionate to travel and exchange experience than you will be a passionate for our system that can lift each other for achieve their dream.
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